Close tickets faster with Forest Admin Assist

Access your issue resolution workflows in a Chrome extension within your support tool,
and lower your ticket handling time.

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Say goodbye to switching tools

Customer Support requires frequent context switches between:
Your ticketing system to manage customer interactions
Your back-office solution to access and act on your application's data
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Resolution workflows at your fingertips

With all relevant customer data and actions within your ticketing system, handle requests without switching tabs, for example:
Change a user's plan
Apply a promo code
Manage invoices
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Configured in seconds

Forest Admin Assist is a Chrome extension giving you access to actions and data from your Forest Admin project directly in your ticketing system.
By automatically matching the Requester to customers from your DB, Forest Admin Assist enables you to quickly act on the current support ticket.
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“My team's productivity has improved by 20% because Forest Admin's user-friendly UI has removed a significant number of steps and clicks in their workflows.”

Ali El Alaoui
Head of Operations Engineering

Questions & Answers

Would you like to learn more about Forest Admin Assist?
What is Forest Admin?
How can I get started?
Which ticketing tools are currently supported?

New to Forest Admin?

Whether you are new to Forest Admin or you would like to see Forest Admin Assist in action, we've got you covered.

New to Forest Admin?

Forest Admin provides customizable tools tailored to your unique business needs, enabling your team to efficiently manage even the most specific operations, including Customer Support.

Learn more

Sneak peek

Discover Forest Admin Assist in action and see how it streamlines Customer Operations management. Our Chrome extension integrates with Intercom and Zendesk.

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Forest Admin Assist

Stop wasting time switching tabs

Forest Admin Assist is currently available in beta. We'll soon start a pilot project with companies using Zendesk or Intercom to manage customer operations.
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