Forest Admin Release Notes: March 2024
Curious about our latest product releases? Here is what we released in March 2024 🥳 and what we are going to launch soon 🤫
Curious about our latest product releases? Here is what we released in March 2024 🥳 and what we are going to launch soon 🤫
➡️➡️➡️ Create an automated queue of records for your analysts and operators
Operations such as transaction monitoring or resolving support tickets typically require tackling several tasks one by one. When done manually, a significant amount of time is spent deciding which task to address. That's why we recently automated this process, allowing you to select the dispatch rule and create a user-friendly task queue to address each task one by one. Watch this brief video to see how quick and easy it is to set up. We used AML transaction monitoring as an example, but you can use the same process to create inboxes for customer support, KYC, or any other customer operations.
Watch the video 👇
Or play around using the interactive demo 👇
Currently, the Inbox is available on request. Contact us if you'd like to give it a try.
☁️ New in Forest Admin Cloud
Customise your admin panel with custom actions
In case you haven't heard about it already, Forest Admin Cloud is the only SaaS admin panel solution that provides you access to the underlying code. It opens myriads of customisation options and lets you build internal applications to manage any customer operations your team needs.
Watch this video to learn how 👇
Access logs on Forest Admin Cloud
Now, as a Forest Admin Cloud project admin, you have access to logs so that you can monitor your projects and debug them if necessary. Read more in the docs.
Forest Admin Cloud is now compatible with MongoDB
You can now connect MongoDB and MongoDB Atlas to instantly generate an admin panel with Forest Admin Cloud.
Other product improvements
Forest Admin for Node.js
Use Collection Overrides to customize standard CUD operations
We've recently introduced Collection Overrides that allow you to define custom behavior to add any business logic in the process of create, update, delete operations; for example to create the record with your custom API. Read more in the docs.
SQL views
Now Forest Admin also supports SQL views, allowing for more diverse configurations.
Forest Admin for Laravel: Trigger Eloquent’s native hooks automatically
Laravel includes Eloquent, an ORM that makes it easier to interact with your database. Thanks to our recent improvement to Forest Admin for Laravel, you can now automatically trigger Eloquent’s native hooks on Forest Admin. For example, if you have implemented an event that triggers when a record is created, it will trigger when a record is created directly from the Forest Admin UI. Read more in the Laravel docs.
Forest Admin for Ruby on Rails: Better user experience in Workspaces
As you may know, the Workspace feature on Forest Admin lets you build custom micro-apps with low code, e.g. a customer finder or a KYC flow, including dynamic charts to help you measure various KPIs. We've recently improved this experience for Forest Admin projects built on Ruby on Rails, and now it is possible to display data in charts filtered by e.g. search results or segments from a drop-down list. It has already been made available in other Workspace elements. Read more about Templating.
🥁 Coming soon
Our team is currently working on plenty of new features and improvements. Here is what you can expect soon:
- Inbox will gain more capabilities, including manual task assignment and additional sorting rules. A manager's view will allow managers to see the backlog and records' details, and a performance center will help keep track on the team's performance.
- Operators will be able to add comments when requesting an approval request.
Case Study: How Popwork enhanced customer support operations with Forest Admin
Just like any customer-centric company, Popwork needed an admin panel to manage customer support operations from day one. As Florian Le Merrer, Popwork's co-founder and CPO, has told us:
From the beginning, we knew that we didn't want to build an admin panel ourselves. Although a back office is necessary to operate our business, we preferred to focus our resources on the core of our software and use a ready-to-use solution to manage internal operations. We chose Forest Admin as it seemed the easiest solution to get up and running quickly. Since then, it has been one of the main tools our CSM team uses to administer company accounts and to take actions whenever our users require it.
That's all folks! If you have any questions about the new features, don't hesitate to let us know.
If you are interested in previous release notes, you can find them here.
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